Wednesday, November 7, 2012

BINUS Radio #3

This is our 3rd BINUS Radio programme. The script was made by grade 6 students (and of course edited by me). This group was more creative than the others. They added a part of the song they sang as a part of the opening.

I like Nataasja's voice. She sounds cheerful, even though she had to repeat several lines which were too long/complicated for her.

Nadira, on the other hand, was more confident. She almost had no problem at all reading all her lines. However, her voice sounds a bit too serious.

I'll try to encourage them to come up with something less serious/formal in the future. Teaching students (elementary!) writing scripts is kind of hard though, especially when this activity is only an extracurricular programme held once (1 hour) a week. In these 3 radio programmes, I edited a lot it seems I am the one to write the whole thing (except for this one).

I also asked them to think  of an opening jingle for our school radio. So far they hadn't been able to come up with anything. Maybe I should give them a real sample first.

So, what do you think of this school radio programme? Do you have any inputs/suggestions to improve this programme?

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