Monday, November 5, 2012

BINUS Radio #2

Our 2nd BINUS Radio programme was aired today! Now the students and teachers can listen to it in their break time.

I know the quality of the recording is not the best, but well, we're still learning. And with the limited equipments we have, I'm proud that we can create this brand new programme in our school.

Hopefully this programme can be a way to promote the 6 pillars of characters and social-emotional learning we use at school, also to maintain communication in our school.

In this edition, we got an interview with our VP, Ms. Karah, about leadership. Take a look on how BINUS Radio reporter, Rafi, interviewed her.

BINUS Radio Reporter, Rafi, interviewed VP, Ms. Karah

I also hope that students can be more exposed to "clean" and age-appropriate songs BINUS Radio carefully selects and plays rather than (mostly) obscene and inappropriate pop songs nowadays.

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