Monday, January 28, 2013

Parts of Plants

Making a Pressed Flower Bookmark (while learning the parts of plants and their function(s))

1. Provide a stalk of flower with its leaves.
2. Arrange the flower and the leaves on a piece of paper.
3. Stick the flower and the leaves to the paper.
4. Write down the parts and the function(s) of each parts. You may add the roots by drawing it.
5. Decorate the background and color.
6. Press in between heavy books for about 2 weeks.
7. Your pressed flower bookmark is ready!
8. Laminate if preferred.


  1. Great idea... should've thought about it before... Mixing Science and Art and Craft...


  2. ehem ehem..dear u just thought about it...hahahah(ketawa nantangin shelly)
    dear Dina...hahahah..I have the similar activity in my class.... my students made their own "mr. Boneto" (science: skeletal system). u will get surprised kowing how well they can memorize and explain every bones in our bady...hahahahah

  3. @adi: so u let them draw, cut and paste different parts of the skeletal system? Nice then, if u get the students so engaged in the activity and therefore really understand it.

    That, or maybe bcoz their teacher looks like Mr. Skeleton :p hehe. Thanks for ur feedback, u all :)

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