Saturday, March 31, 2012

SLC & Parents Feedback

Thursday, March 22, 2012, we had an SLC, Student Led Conference. We've been very happy to welcome all the parents. Students showed their parents their projects from term 3 and from the Annual Project. 

Ms. Ira, thx for the beautiful artworks and the photos! :)

At the end of the SLC, parents gave feedback related to the students' performance. Here is the summary:

What do you think of your child’s performance this term?
·         He understands, yet needs more confidence
·         Still can be improved
·         A little bit shy in communicating
·         Good, great job, very well, I’m amazed
·         He /she is more confident now
·         He did well independently
·         Very good progress, happy and proud of the student
·         Generally better than before
·         Better, but still can be improved
·         Voice is too soft/low
·         The student was able to present clearly about 3R
·         More reading comprehension practice
·         Same as previous term

What are the goals for your child next term?
·         Improving English subject, communication skill
·         More confidence in speaking and presentations; braver
·         Increase focus on lessons
·         Better communication and socialization
·         Better than this term
·         Improving academic performance, esp in Math
·         Improving academic performance in all subjects
·         Improving 6 pillars characters and SEL
·         To be more resilient and tough
·         Apply 3R in daily life
·         Improve in reading comprehension and Math models for word problems
·         Better grades
·         Keep up the good work

What are the steps to achieve those goals?
·         Liaise students’ progress with parents, parents-teacher communication, teacher’s input
·         The student to study harder and pay more attention to the teacher
·         Read more books
·         Devote more time to study at home, practice more, reduce time watching TV, practice
·         Guiding the student to be more responsible as a student
·         Keep a good health condition
·         More reading practice
·         More patient
·         More supervision at home

What do you think of this SLC?
·         Good way for school to show slightly the student’s capability to the parents
·         Great, good, very good, OK, excellent
·         Conduct SLC regularly
·         Gives the children opportunity to express/present their works and to learn to be more confident, great way to train  students in explaining what they’ve learnt, to understand what the students have made
·         To know students’ activity/progress in school
·         Good for presentation skills, communication skills
·         Good, needs more time though. 15 minutes is not enough

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