Saturday, March 17, 2018

Meet Some Ancient Greek and Chinese Friends

Grade 5 was learning about ancient civilisation, especially Ancient Greece and Ancient China for their reading. To get them into the text, I asked students to create a character from Ancient Greece or China in groups. They got to choose the name, age and gender. Then, using information they found in their reading text, they should describe their character:
Parents’/their job
Schools/what they learned

Those descriptions reflect the ancient civilisation that time.

Once done with their characters, groups decided members that will become hosts/visitors. Hosts will stay in their group to explain their character to visiting friends from other groups (rotated) while visitors visit and listen to other groups’ presentation. Eventually hosts/visitors will take turns so everybody gets to present and/or visit and listen.

Blog: On

Sometime ago I shared an activity I did in the classroom with some of my colleague. Wanting to show how it looked like, I browsed through this long-abandoned class blog of minse for some photos. I found them. But I also found some other activities with descriptions and photos. Brings back memories of my then cute little students and makes me wonder why I stopped blogging.

Blogging means sharing what I do in my class. For others, or maybe just for my future self when I get bored with all the same routines and need some ideas or inspirations or just reminders...

So, let’s start blogging again!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Batik Newscast Presentation (2013 English Annual Project)

What do you know about batik?
Where does batik come from?

What do you think can be improved from the role-plays above?
Which one do you think is the best newscast video?
Who do you think is the best news anchor?
The best reporter?
The best spokeperson?
What is his/her strength?

Monday, June 10, 2013

BINUS Radio Interviews and Recording

Yep, it takes courage and confidence to be able to be a good speaker!
We enjoyed going out, meeting people and interviewing them, we needed to remember to be polite too :)

Writing scripts

Class Party and Class Awards

What activity did you like the most in the party?
Who/what was you favorite performer in the party?
What game did you enjoy the most?

 What class award did you get? How did you feel about it?
What awards did you give to your friends/teachers?

Lomba Menggambar Pahlawan Nasional

Our classmate is a talented artist! Kenzhie won the 1st prize in "Lomba Menggambar Pahlawan Nasional" in Indonesian Cultural Week 2013

Student-Led Conference

Time to "show-off"! Share with your parents what you have been doing in term 3: what you learned, and what you achieved.
How did you feel to be the one who LED the conference?

Happy Chinese New Year 2013 | Gong Xi Fa Cai

What is the most memorable moment on our Chinese New Year Celebration this year?
What was your favorite performance on the CNY assembly?